Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Innocents

Note to small business owners:
I don't want to see your kids on your badly shot commercials. I don't think they're cute; I don't find their haltingly delivered line(s) adorable. I don't deem their embarrassed stiffness to be charming or your pathetic attempts at humor enchanting. I don't believe that you are more trustworthy and hometownish because you have the power to procreate.
Also: Balance the freaking white, for crying out loud, or doesn't your clearance bought, "authentic" Koduck video camera have that capability?


Anonymous said...

Aren't there child labor laws that cover that sort of thing anyway?

Renee L. said...

There are exceptions. And the laws are different for family businesses. And in a case such as this it could be called volunteer work. Besides, there are child actors/singers/artists/musicians so there must be exceptions for them to.

luckeyfrog said...

I have to disagree with this. As a kid I got to be in commercials for my family's business and I don't care how crappy they were, I thought it was THE COOLEST THING EVER that I got to be on TV.

Renee L. said...

I'm sure that as a kid I would have thought it was really cool too, but as an adult it annoys me. *shrug* Just like every University Bookstore commercial I have *ever* seen. :)